Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is the first piece in my concentration centering around how clothing reflects human actions or emotions. The photograph isn't very good and I'm not really sure what to do with the placement. Any ideas about arrangement and/or how I could make it come across better in a photo? - Josie


  1. Consider a different angle for the image, maybe more above and at an angle.

  2. i agree with ms. mildonian. the pants seem to be lost in this angle.changing the angle or even the lighting to create more contrast where the creases are might look cool. it looks like they will turn out really cool in the end :)

  3. for the piece itself, i know that this may sound strange, but i think it would be funky and awesome if you went in the cracks of the jeans with a dark color, maybe shades of gray or black to make the shadowing really dramatic. that would make the folds of the jeans REALLY stand out.

  4. Ooo intriguing idea Leah...could be very subtly done and really make the sculpture pop.
